If the solution to our problems is self discipline, isn't it nice we know how to win?
We see every moment which challenges our resolve, and that gives us the solution for the puzzle to solve.
Don't get stuck in your head like a car in the snow, you have all you need to get to where you want to go.
Get your sugar from fruit and not from the juice. Yes, this will rhyme, I'm the new Dr. Seuss.
Every action you take leaves a fine residue, and some you upcycle and some scrapes from your shoe.
Drinking cocoa with lobsters, my friend, hand in claw, we skip into the future unafraid of the flaw.
Rejoice in your energy, the light and the breath, and give them as offerings to the kingdom of Death.
Windows through time like ripples in water, this moment is ours and it's all that we've got here.