Snippets By Jonathan Berman |
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April 28, 2014
We are travelers through the corridors of mind. Perceptions that trail out behind us, and intentions which stretch out before us in tunnels of darkness and light. Will you reflect fear upon the weary or be a warrior of light? A hand of giving or taking? I do not know much about buddha natures, god within, I do however see an adorable nature in all things... we started out small, and though we grow, that smallness remains, it has only changed the form and the robe of its wandering... we are travelers you and I, in a shared corridor of discovery.
I clear all elements and see the original face
My heart paints memories upon the canvas that leaves no trace
But you were there and now everything has changed
April 22, 2014
When the river starts to rumble, and the way becomes dark, I return my self to the side of the water, and hit restart.
April 17, 2014
A dove of peace is born of love, its wings are gratitude and forgiveness.
April 5, 2014
Watch for the signs, in whatever forms they take... for they will lead you home. Not to the home you were born, but to the home where you belong.
April 3, 2014
There is no good, there is no evil, there is only understanding and misunderstanding. All that lives is all that dies, was once a child.
April 2, 2014
Perfection is the appreciation of our collective imperfections.
To be alive, is to be a song
To live, is to be in tune