Snippets By Jonathan Berman |
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The strongest response is a vulnerable one.
The universe is merely a single verse in an endless song.
Some days we understand that we never understood anything at all. It is because we are never at the end we are always at the beginning.
Who am I:
Questioning Bones
Pondering Blood
Clothing of Belief
Dirt is everything I know, I wash it off so I can see.
Hatred is the defense of fear against that which it cannot accept.
Take the high road, that way in the end even if you don't get what you want you know you tried and have nothing to feel ashamed about... Take the petty road, you've got no one to blame but yourself...
You became sad, not because you got older, not because the good years are behind you, not because you gained responsibilities, not because you loved and lost, all these things can still be yours... no, you're sad because you replaced music with television, leading your soul to following your fear, holding on instead of letting go, trading the adventure of this vast and undefinable cosmos, for an ounce of security. But it's time to reawaken and take it back... take back the reigns of your soul, for you are the finish line, you are the goal.
I think the true vastness of the universe simply overwhelms people, they can't handle it so they contain it in little boxes of belief, ideologies and dogmatic strait jackets.
A picture is worth a thousand lies... the memory and the mirror.
Love is that which unites the mind. Truth is that which reveals the mind. God is the true nature of mind.
Someone asked me if anyone could explain love, truth or god in a concise manner, so I thought I'd take a crack at it.)
A glacier can plow it's way through the world, losing pieces of itself along the way, until eventually nothing is left... but water finds a way through all things, not by creating cracks, but by filling them.
I did not believe in eternity, until I first understood love... and now I see eternity every time I look into your eyes, and I have become love.