Snippets By Jonathan Berman |
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It is far easier to carry a deep philosophy, than to express a deep consciousness towards all each moment... and that is what we must practice... not the carefully word, the structured poem, or song, or belief... a muddy diamond is still a diamond... no, we must stop and listen...
Let those who need to be right, be right, for they need it more than you do. The self righteous clutch their opinions like a drowning man with a life preserver; be compassionate, for they need to be right to stay afloat, and you have learned to swim.
If you must cry, let it not be out of fear for those you will someday lose, but out of the overwhelming love you feel for them right now.
We are described by our words, defined by our actions.
What our words pencil, our actions pen.
The key to friendship is to be a boat, exploring the rivers of your friends, and not a dam trying to put behavior to an end.
The difference between a redneck and a hippie? Rednecks kill animals, hippies kill brain cells.
Even in the quiet there is noise... fans, airconditioners, birds, music from the body, breezes, and beyond the noises, there is the broadway performance of the other senses, constantly putting on a distraction show, because we have grown accustomed to running away from fundamental truths, from our fundamental selves, down the long hallway of the inner mind, past the layers of the limitations we've identified with we forgot we wore like armor against all the things we try to avoid... once stripped of the senses, who are you? what are you? where are you?
There is a vast ocean hidden beyond the reach of the knowable universe, I will meet you there.
(7:45pm est)
There's nothing wrong with making money for self sufficiency
But prioritize in developing good karma to be your currency
The time we spend waiting for someone to care is the time spent overlooking those who do.
Love unites mind.
Truth reveals mind.
God is the true nature of mind.