Reporter: Kupotek
May 8, 2004 08:59 PM EST
Last Updated: 1/31/2013 11:06 PM EST

Tonight, we go deep inside the world
of vampire cats to uncover not only are mutant vampire hybrid
egyptian and alien feline assimilating into our western civilization
in droves of chaos ridden torrents of secrecy and literacy,
but women not only work hand in paw with the cats as familiars,
whilst loving men who are similarly devout, and under the
spell of the VAMPIRE KITTENS.
Why do you think cats have 9 lives?
Because they're vampires. Though I am told by
the lovely roving reporter Maribelle that spaniards believe
cats to have 7 lives, so obviously all cats want american
The Japanese believed in a certain
variety of shapeshifting demon that appeared as a cat. This
cat often had two tails, and sometimes it could change size
and become larger than a person. It was like a vampire, in
that its main purpose seemed to be sucking human blood. After
it had killed someone, it would be able to transform into
an exact copy of that person. It would use this ability to
get close to new victims, who would not suspect until it was
too late to save themselves.

In Australia, there are already alliances
set up to work with the vampire cats, but to what end?

Lore of the Cat
Catlovers say they love cats because they are good companions
and useful mousers, or those who hate cats say cats kill or
maim birds and are ungrateful or sly. But both statements
are rationalizations, for it is obvious that cats excite irrational
feelings which emerge from a much deeper psychic level.
The cat has always stimulated people's imagination, attracting
to itself a colorful and lively stream of myth, folklore,
legend and fairytale. It has had fantastic powers attributed
to it which have resulted in its being used in secret rites
of both white and black magicians. Cats have never been ignored;
people have always felt something about them. In the
past, either they were felt to be divine and were worshipped,
or else they were considered demonic and were burnt.
Although in the East cats still play a part in religious ritual,
it is unlikely that anyone in the West worships cats, in a
conscious and literal sense, these days. Nevertheless, black
cats are still said to be lucky (or unlucky as the case may
be); and many people betray signs of the cult of the cat,
making these animals the center of their lives, and treating
them with a respect or dread that would seem appropriate only
in relation to a supernatural being.
Humans want to know precisely what the cat means to us all;
where its power lies and why its image has survived for thousands
of years in amulets, folklore and literature. No one seems
to have gotten to the root of this, but if a thorough investigation
of what all the people have thought, imagined and believed
about cats, and are able to get some insight into the significance
of it, an answer can be found.
The mass of material that is available seems to divide naturally
into the light and dark aspects of the cat's nature and associations
- the "whiteness" and "blackness" of the
cat's reputation, rather than to its natural coloring.
There is a Celtic belief that cats' eyes are windows through
which human beings may explore an inner world. In examining
the power that the cat has to raise feelings and to stimulate
imagination, one can hardly fail to learn more about human
nature in the process.
There were awe-inspiring Egyptian cats who received worship
and sacrifice from humans. The cats brought fertility to the
fields of suppliant farmers, cats protected the living and
the dead from evil, and cats brought healing and happiness
into people's lives. As the significance of the beliefs behind
these practices emerge, it has much light to throw on the
feelings of those who "adore" cats.
Then there are the ailurophobes - those who do not
merely dislike cats but experience hate, fear and nausea in
their presence. The feline demon comes into its own with its
blazing eyes and its monstrous fangs and claws. The devil-cat
emerges from the center of sexual orgies of witches' Sabbats
and of the ceremonies of black magicians. The vampire-cat
sucks the blood of sleeping men, and the feline succubus drain
their vitality.
Catlovers and cathaters find that they do come together; for
it seems that the cat has not only been thought of as wholly
good or evil, but has also been recognized as forming a bridge
between the two. This animal has power deeply to enrich our
lives if, instead of obsessively loving or hating the cat,
humans adopt a realistic attitude toward its paradoxical nature,
and allow it to communicate its wisdom.
The symphony of the vampire kitten (COMING SOON)
Types of Vampires -Quote from alleged real vampire
There are two types of vampires roaming the planet. There
are your sanguinarians and your psi-vampires.
Sanguinarians are blood-drinkers. And unlike the myths of
vampires,they do NOT go around killing people for their blood.
They keep a ring of willing donors that willingly donate blood
to them. They do not need great amounts of blood,just a small
amount,no more than what would fill a shot glass is necessary
to them.
Psi-vampires feed on life/pranic energy either by proximity
or by touch. When one awakens their body automatically starts
feeding on the energy at hand and it could take the young
vampire months to realize what they are and how to control
their growing abilities. Most prefer to feed from the strong
emotions of others and not from the person directly. It is
safer for both the vampire and the person(not victim) being
It is easier to know sanguinarians than psi-vampires because
you can physically see a sanguinarian drink your blood but
it is harder to know a psi-vampire because you can not see
them feed. Psi-vampires are responsible for the myths of incubus
and succubus.
Vampires falsely have a bad reputation due to myths and movies,
none of which is based on fact or reality.
What vampires are not -Quote
from alleged real vampire
Vampires are NOT immortal and do NOT live for ever, vampires
do look younger than their age and live slightly longer; however,
If someone tells you they are 400 years old, they are a poser(a
rpger or someone pretending to be a vampire) and lying to
Lifestylers who play at vampires because they think it looks
cool are not vampires. Vampires do not sleep in coffins. Lifestylers
dress in black wear fake fangs and some sleep in coffins and
only go out at night.
Posers or RPGers are not vampires, they are role players
who play at being a vampire because they think it is a game
and that vampires are not real. They have crossed their gaming
over into the real world and play at either being a vampire
or a HUNTER.
Vampires are not undead walking corpses. Vampires do tend
to be aloof because they feel emotionally dead. We prefer
to sit back and watch because things are not of importance
to us.
Vampires are not inherently evil. It is true that most vampires
are not exactly christian but we do try to help others. Just
because we must feed from others doesn't mean we were sent
by satan or go against nature or god any more than the symbiosis
relationship between the shark and the lamrey eel makes the
lamprey evil. The eel attaches itself to the shark and feeds
on barnacles that try to attach to the shark and leftovers
from the sharks meal and in return the shark carries them
from place to place.
Vampires are not superhuman, subhuman, or alien. We are human,
we simply adapted to our surroundings differently than the
normal humans did.
Vampires are not shape shifters. A few of us can assume the
form of an animal when we are astral projecting but that is
not the same as physically changing form.
Vampires do not go up in flames when in direct sunlight.
Because we do tend to be nocturnal our eyes are sensitive
to sunlight so we don't go out much during the day by choice.
Several obvious signs of the vampire
10) An innate knowledge of Egyptology which is communicated
via a ancient moewing dialect
9) Cats use their eyes to hypnotize inferior mortals to do
their evil bidding, and bring them tunas. The cats gaze is
very powerful.
8) Vampire kittens have been seen in calico female form, with
black mask markings, to help protect them from the bright
yellow sun of our planet.
7) A vampire kitten yawns differently then a regular house
cat. A housecat will yawn, and look away, close it's eyes,
it is a natural muscular reaction, but a vampire kitten will
not ! It is said that the vampire kitten has amazing upper
body strength!! Be mindful of the vampire kitty.
6) Vampire kittens are always looking out windows, awaiting
the arrival of the mothership
5) a ornate whisker growth pattern that directly links the
aerial anntennae of the collective unconscious to the divine
heirarchy of alien overlord vampirical forces in deep space.
4) Vampire kittens also really like catnip, which shows that
perhaps they can be reasoned with, or at least aum'd in to
submission, with piles of catnip, strategic stringplay, and
3) A specific ancient stance seen in old egyptian paintings
and murals, long since forgotten by mankind.
2) A love of string
1) Vampire kittens' greatest strength and defense is that
no one believes they are real. They intend to keep it that
Ways to stave off the vampire kitten
1) Obviously holy water
2) catnip
3) Vampire kittens can be lulled into a sort of hypnotic state
thru the strategic dangling of string
Hemp string works very well, but ribbon is fine too
4) Vampire Kittens turn especially vicious when they are allowed
to eat tunas, so make sure not to feed them tunas after sundown!!!
5) crosses (†)
6) Semi precious gem called the cat's eye can give some protection
Vampire kittens also listen to Evanescence music, but that's
only because they have really good taste in music..
Below is not for the feint of heart !!! Parents hide your
children's eyes, for what is below will shock some, and horrify
others... REAL footage of vampire kittens caught on tape......