Meditations By Jonathan Berman |
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All that is a part of me returns to me, and all that is not meant for me, moves through me.
Amazingly enough, almost all experiences people think are impossible, like overcoming latent fears, out of body experience, lucid dreaming, astral projection, remote viewing, chakra healing, communion with God, kundalini transcendence, past life regression... are all accomplishable through simple meditation exercises.
The first I call soul retrieval, the other is called sitting beside the river.
I will lay out the foundation to these forms of meditation below along with a simple meditation for daily use in clearing the mind I learned from the psychic institute of mountain view back in 1992 that I still use to this day. Meditations are ordered by simple, to most complex.
6/14/2016: Turning the Light Bulb
Close my eyes. Breathe deep and slow, and raise my hand as if I'm screwing in a light bulb... I don't turn it, I'm just holding up a fragile light bulb in my hand, and I imagine all sounds, all my emotion, and thoughts are turning it...
Appetite is a tiger gone out of control, pulling you in every direction.
Every thing we do is paint on an everpresent canvas, and we confuse emotional want for a physical need, but there is no need there that can be fuilfilled, only hungry ghosts wanting forever... more.
Everything we hold up is a flower blossoming our intention. If you want to find that which is hidden at the bottom of the sea, you can remove what is in the ocean, but it is easier to simply still the water so you might see.
12/30/2014: Bad Trip as Good Thing
A bad trip is not an airplane in a tail spin where you as a pilot need to scramble to get out of it... though life might feel like that sometimes... no, it's a moment for you to be thankful for all that is coming up for you at that moment.
When clarity comes there is hope, there is truth. When you feel afraid, you might then feel ashamed for being afraid. People will realize you aren't that strong. In that vulnerability though is strength, and ultimately a more fulfilling strength. And with that you can stop yourself from running, by embracing that which you are afraid of, and if you still are struggling? Try this little meditation...
Sitting Beside the River (About: My simple but effective meditation, Author: Me, 1993) Close your eyes (after reading this) Now, imagine you are sitting by the side of a river flowing to your left. It's a sunny, calm afternoon, the other side is a small forest. Now, with your eyes closed, breathe in and out slowly, visualizing yourself sitting beside the water's flow... and every time every time a thought carries you away, simply let it go. Return to your breath, return to the side of the water.
When you live in fear, things get hurt, because it takes time for your physical action to be translated by the brain out of fear into a possible harmful situation towards something you value, and then you stop...but when you embrace your fear, and live with your fear, as a mirror, no harm is possible, for you walk with peace, your body flows with life as it dances with you, and thus there is no fear thought process, micro blindness and unfortunate action...
This is starting to get a bit technical, so I will leave it there.
7/21/2014: Breathing, you are the Universe
Close your eyes, and reach out your hand in front of you, breathing into your hand, visualizing its form... and its energy and the space around it keep breathing into it the beauty of the universe around you , then open your eyes, look at your hand... you are the universe, a beautiful, miraculous, undefinable thing
2/21/2014 : ZEN GARDENS
I have found Zen Gardens to be really beneficial lately...
It's a little area of sand and you put different elements into, stones, or fountain,s leaves, crystals, all kinds of things.. you just create a organic table of where you're at in the moment, then sit with it... i find by doing so, sitting with yourself, with some water flowing and soft chimes, it opens your mind to let go of attachments... its just another form of meditation ive found helpful lately.
I set one up every night before bed, then go to sleep meditating on it and the sound of water and soft chimes... I seem to always wake up very refreshed this way.
The Eight-Fold path of Buddhism is a set of diagnostic tools for self-adjustment, tamping out the dents of a copper tube, so that the wind can flow silently through it, but do not worry the dents, for they allow the wind to sometimes make beautiful music... this is the process of life, not of perfection, but appreciation of the process, and the virtue of practice.
* I've often looked for a set of diagnostic tools to help me create balance in my life, attuning my senses, being mindful and aware, slowing down, breathing meditation, etc... as someone who exhibits symptoms of bi-polar disorder, my emotions can be a rollercoaster, so balance is crucial for my personal well-being, I look at exercise, diet, giving back, following my creative passions, etc... and as a Buddhist I've thought a lot about the eight-fold path, but I never thought about it as a set of diagnostic tools per se, until today.
What do you see when you walk down your street any given evening? People plugged into their televisions, their religions, their social media, their... unthinking we bind ourselves to a wagon, and let it carry us through life. Is it because perhaps we are deathly afraid of what we would find if we detached ourselves from these ideologies and plugged directly into the cosmos? I enjoy the silence, that omnipotent, omnipresence that draws me out in unseen and perhaps unknowable perfection... time perhaps or eternity, knocking on our doors but who can answer? Who can hear, with all that entertainment in the way? Why must we be so thoroughly entertained? Is it the silent co-pilot that gives us nightmares, or our desperation to escape from an illusion we ourselves create? In the womb of eternity, I breathe, dear God, a child of my internal reflections, I come to you, to find me and bind me to you.
Truth is not the mastery of conformity, but the naked path of the self. Wisdom is understanding that truth is inherently empty, and that there is nothing to defend, because there are no fixed truths that can be offended.Listen, not for anything in particular, but whatever you hear, it is the door that closes behind the senses, but there is always the keyhole, through which is seen the unseen, unseeable, perhaps it is death, perhaps it is pre-birth, perhaps it is eternity, perhaps it is something terrible, perhaps it is salvation... with each thought comes the vibration of emotion, the attachment, the fear, the desire, the suffering, the endless cycle...
Sometimes I like to sit in silence and just apprehend the sense data, silence does not require absence of sound. Stillness does not require absence of movement...
I came up with a new healing meditation last night, VERY simple. If you ever feel an imbalance, like your brain is wide awake and your body is tired, close your eyes and imagine your body is a statue, and your mind is hovering above it, off center as the top part of the statue, then slowly bring the two parts together until the merge seamlessly, then open your eyes, I guarantee you will feel more balanced.
Clearing Your Head (Author: Psychic Institute of Mountain View, Ca)
Close your eyes, sitting comfortably. Imagine a rope from your spine going to the center of the earth drawing in earth energy. A rope at the top of your head drawing down celestial energy. Visualize in your head is a room, like an attic... a drain is in the center of the floor... get a bucket of soapy sudsy water, and rinse the whole place down, and hose all darkness and thought and negativity down the drain, through the rope to the center of the earth...
Now back in your room, place a chair on the floor, and sit in it, and begin a simple breathing meditation... drawing energy into you from above, and release through your spine down into the earth...
Sitting Beside the River (About: My simple but effective meditation, Author: Me)
Imagine you are sitting by a river... your thoughts are flowing down stream to the left. Now, every time a thought carries you away, simply let it go and return to your breath, return to the side of the water.
Soul Retrieval (Author: Me)
What you do is lay in bed, in the dark, begin a simple breathing meditation... while meditating focus on what is outside of yourself until you can pin point that feeling like something is watching you, or coming for you, that sense of intelligent malevolence in the darkness... that is the external manifestation of your fear... its externalized because the root cause of the fear is subconscious.
Focus on it, and keep breathing while just accepting it, knowing it cannot harm you, that are overcoming it and merging with your subconscious aspects.
This is a meditation I actually created myself.