People need to stop getting offended when their religion is insulted. You are not your religion. It doesn't need your defense. True religion is a personal relationship between you and the world. Anything I say on the subject, has no impact on you whatsoever.
Furthermore, the capacity to question your own beliefs is the measure of a healthy mind. When you get offended and insulted because of the opinions of another, you are saying through your reactions that you are suffering from an attachment to an idea.
Row row row your boat, leave it at the shore... verily verily verily verily suffering no more!
People cling to things out of fear, a fear that you are lacking in some way without the idea, or that you will die without it, or some equally traumatizing result will occur... but that is an illusion... because the moment you let go, you are free, and fine... so the illusion you identify with, creates something that can be lost or gained, which creates fear of losing it, and thus when people question it, you do not just listen, and consider and are not bothered by it, you run to the ego's shelter of galvanizing, steely offense, this is the constricting defensive posture, this is not speaking from truth, this is not knowing yourself, this is living in fear and hiding in self-righteousness... but love does not need to be self-righteous, love does not feel insulted when misunderstood, love is not afraid of being questioned by darkness... it is darkness that runs from the light...
When you get offended, you are running from the light of your own truth... instead try to stop yourself from reacting, empower yourself in that moment, and just stop... listen, consider, and be honest and share of your beliefs, and be honest with yourself, what you do not know, what you wish for, what you are afraid of, and what you truly believe...
Because then we can truly commune what matters to us, question and explore together, we can share what is valid to us about our different paths, we can disagree in a loving and open discussion, and thus learn about ourselves and each other.
I hope this makes sense, because I see so many people get offended and just unfriend you, and I'd like to save these friendships, because it truly is only fear that keeps us apart.
PS If you don't understand, this is not about me wanting to be right, or to win an argument, this is about trying teach personal empowerment. Embrace all thought, and be responsible for your response, and you will become more whole, more confident in your beliefs, know thyself and to thine own self be true.
This is also not an anti-religion post, this is an anti-attachment, slave mentality post, I am here to help free people's minds from the attachments and fears and illusions we identify with that break our peace. This is the real human work... not to find things you like and cling to them until you die, so deathly afraid you cannot question them or have them be questioned... that kind of life is no life at all.
Thank you.